Have You Missed Something? Why VIP Days and Workshops Actually Work

Sarah Cousins
4 min readMay 25, 2018


[PHOTO CREDIT: Prometeus/123RF]

What sets winning entrepreneurs apart is their ability to do things differently. To take a step back now and then to work out what works for them, to have the confidence to adopt strategies which deliver results for them rather than follow a paint by numbers system which someone might recommend but which doesn’t actually yield results.

It’s too easy to fall into the trap of being busy in marketing without getting results.

Ever been to endless business networking events, delivered and collected a multitude of business cards but not really had anything to show for it?

Or invested your precious time in expensive adverts, PR campaigns, FB ads or glossy brochures but not seen a noticeable return on your investment?

What works for someone else might not work for you.

Here’s why.

We buy things based on emotional connections. In order to feel any kind of emotional resonance with your product or service we need to see a bit of your personality — to identify with you and what you stand for. If you put a bit of your heart and soul into how you market your product or service a bit more of you shines through. You draw towards you likeminded people who can identify with you (especially when you’re showing off your best bits) and know who your target audience is.

By throwing out the rule book and not getting hung up on what the marketing gurus tell you, you can devise your own systems and promotions — different, hardworking ideas which will show off more “you” and bring you results.

Sounds easy doesn’t it.

So where do we get stuck?

We’re too close to notice the things which set us apart. You know the feeling — if you’ve put your heart and soul into something it’s a bit like falling in love… you tend to lose perspective for a little while. You take for granted your best bits and you assume something that comes easily to you comes easily to everyone else. Simply not true.

And that’s where VIP days and workshops come in.

By working with someone external to your business they can easily see your sticking points and those wow features and USPs that shine like a beacon, but which you might have overlooked, simply because you’ve become accustomed to the light.

Friends and family and close business associates will tell you what you want to hear (they’re nice like that, or well brought up — possibly both). But that’s not what you need to hear to get ahead. Just as it’s pointless to ask “does my bum look big in this?” and expect an honest answer it’s risky to rely on those who love you to offer an objective answer to your business and marketing progress.

In the case of my Ideas + Action VIP days it’s not solely about me giving you marketing ideas and strategy. I’m sure you’re blessed with a multitude of excellent ideas all by yourself.

It’s about allowing me to spot the things which are holding you back. Allowing me to notice the things which set you apart. To help remove the things you’ve grown accustomed to, which might limit your progress and to free up the hidden gems that you’ve forgotten were there to begin with. Often, in the sheer act of allowing me to present different ideas and strategies to you, you free yourself from the pressure and burden of having to do everything yourself and so can reignite that spark, providing space for your hopes and dreams to be heard and for ideas to be set free and turned into reality.

Before you know it you’ll be lit up with creativity and practical steps to do things your way.

You’ll start to see changes. And get results.

VIP days or “intensives” as they’re known work because you get uninterrupted focus. You get what you need most. You can stay with the process or circle back to find new ideas, approaches, strategies and breakthroughs from this kind of applied attention. Single hour sessions rarely provide this opportunity.

With a VIP day you get valuable time to talk everything through and the practical steps you can take to achieve your business aspirations.

How great would it feel to feel alive again in your business? With renewed vigour, confident and on course to achieve your goals, breaking through the marketing and business challenges you’ve faced to date?

VIP days are about enabling you, so you get what you need, lightning fast, allowing you to take action in the days that follow. You’re investing in more. You’re investing in speed. And of course, the unlimited potential of ideas and practical marketing strategies so you can transform your situation.

Don’t underestimate what can be achieved in one VIP day or workshop. Just one powerful idea can last a lifetime — or even create a legacy.

If you fall head-over-heels in love with ideas and want them to fuel your soul, be sure to like the Ideas Girl page for more ideas, inspiration and resources or visit my website and feel free to connect!



Sarah Cousins

#IdeasGirl sent to deliver #ideas you can use right away. Course creator + #marketing strategist. #BBC + #CIM trained. One powerful idea can change your world!